Thursday, February 19, 2009

Designer gear

Check out this sick T-shirt design I made. 

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Last weekend

While we were out catching rays in the North Cascades, T-Bird caught some zzz's in the basement. Oh and his bed deflated like a brazilian foreign exchange student. 

2288 Miles of FoodFriendsFunandFisting

(Lummi) Indian Country..John Wayne Shit

45 Minutes Before this picture was taken I pissed on my flannel


Sunday, February 8, 2009


Knock Knock!

Who's There?


Madam Who?

Madam foot is stuck in the door, can you please open up!?

Friday, February 6, 2009

The Mutations

I don't know if you guys remember, but I do, we had a band at one point in time.

The band was deemed the mutations, and it didn't suck too bad for the amount of talent we had at the time so I feel pretty good about it...

Look what I stumbled upon!

There is even a message board

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Does anyone remember abusing this OTC drug?

I think this was one of my first illicit substances of choice. Right after snorting lines of salt...

After all these years, it still makes me drool with anticipation... the flashbacks never cease.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Just Reminding You Where She Stands

Nostradamus Predicted This

After sitting on my computer for about two years, and for the sake of always having something to post immediately after Pat, here is Little Sleepy Dave: A track Adam and I did about 2 (?) years ago in my room with the lights down low.

10 minutes of an 8x12 room.

In addition GeeSeaThree: the score to a film about weather forecasting. Have no idea how old this one is. Probably the 60's.

Arts and Farts

Brett hit it too.