Monday, November 17, 2008

Officially The World's First "SNOG"

So, without any research or past experience in the field to testify, I now declare this blog to be the first SNOG ever invented... If you don't know SNOG you will.. right now.. It's a blog, about snacks.

The first one too

Last night some bros and I hit up the local grocer for some late night grubbing, and our efforts were rewarded. Just take a look at this new offering from Nabisco's Oreo... Oh wait.. the first link I came upon while trying to find a picture of this majestic cookie product linked to a fuckin junk food blog... What's worse is it was written in 2006... Being OG is officially impossible as of now..

Nice try


blognewb said...
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blognewb said...

A recent study found that eating multiple high glucose foods throughout the day yields higher performing athletes than traditional carbo loading techniques. Through this study, researchers concluded that eating hella snacks or treats is better for you.