Friday, November 28, 2008


The rain aggravated the panes of the window without remorse.

It was the only thing that could have urged me down those stairs and out of my chair. Down the stairs I used to know so well only years ago, now, where my heart grows impatient with its resting still-beat and issues in a culpable demand of action from the passages and pulleys of the vascular sort. Anxiety ebbs over the room-world and offers solace in the dark, in the knowing, in the sit-down and stare sort of routine that I had painstakingly accustomed to. But, I knew with the rain, comes the chance of the man. A friend of fortitude, a part of the past worth mentioning and holding to if only for the faint feeling of what it used to be like, and nothing more.

So I sipped my cup of tea out on the front porch, a stoop with impeccable green finish, and enjoyed a smoke with my friend as we talked the pain away.

To Steve, hope you like some random words strung in sentences for digestion and reflection

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