Sunday, August 15, 2010

My Dogs are BARKING!!!

Second crossing of the continental divide. Rode up the going to the sun road in Glacier National Park.
Sunrise in Glacier National Park
This is what I looked like.
Waterton Lake, Alberta. The mounty thought I was cute so she let me in the park for free.
First crossing of the continental divide and the British Columbia/Alberta border on interprovince 3.
That is what my bike looks like in Canada.
Here is my route going clockwise. The pinpoints are where I camped. Rode 650 miles solo. I swam in 7 lakes, ate three plates of poutine, bombed a 8% grade hill in Canada and topped out at 50 mph, saw a bear, and loved quitting my job the whole time.


prdlbrly said...

that's a sweet checklist. next time don't forget to leave spoiled milk on a concierge's chair and throw towels in a swimming pool.

L4DO said...

more importantly, how many times did you jerk it?