The days of yore. Bullshit nostalgia, or an honest to goodness better time. Probably neither. There are certain things to leave buried in the past, never again to catch the glance of the fleeting sea horse,

such as
this post. Dusty beyond relief among those zombie penises is a band I have long since stopped caring about. After a New (tidal) Wave of dog shit and marketability came crashing down the azureus pipe to me in 2007, a band representing all music played loud and hard every night relinquished its post at the forefront of rage and broedom. The click wheel putters past that stick in the mud, only to remember the good times when another band still possessing heart and soul has me screaming until I'm coughing up blood. I can hear the rhetoric echo now. Who cares if they suck now, that doesn't mean shit for the old stuff. Ahh yes, but when called upon in genuine mosh to calm down from the chief of punk action, you can't help but feel like you've been lied to. Led on, only to find out later that the mustache was glued on, and the condom already used. Against Me! has released music from a time when it seems like both of us cared. The Original Cowboy, the first recording of The Eternal Cowboy, a mere 22 minutes in length over 8-ish tracks. A punk cacophony signaling songs of as little as 1 minute and change in length. Drums that thud, and a singer and guitars that bleed. Exhale a sigh of weariness or rejoice in arms. No matter what occurred in the past, there is no arguing. This shit rules.

dope good job
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